Welcome to Sports Hub Denmark
IdrætsPlatformen Danmark
Welcome to Sports Hub Denmark
IdrætsPlatformen Danmark
IdrætsPlatformen Danmark (Sports Hub Denmark) is a not-for-profit association formed to promote skills development, cross-sectoral collaboration and strategic development of the sports and leisure sector in Denmark.
The association was established in 2020 by a group of professionals from various positions in the Danish sports sector in order to bring the Danish sports sector more in line with ongoing changes in a sector which has traditionally been based on a strong emphasis on volunteerism.
Sport based on voluntary associations is an important cornerstone of the Danish sports sector but so is increasingly the commercial or self organized sports sector and a range of proactive and customer oriented sports facilities with a capacity to engage new target groups into sport and physical activity.
The Platform will address the need for a professional and skilled workforce in the sector.
The sports sector faces many challenges and changes and needs to deal with trends and developments such as professionalisation, demographic changes, new technologies, and growing expectations from society towards the sports sector. The sector is increasingly expected to deliver on ‘externalities’ such as health, social inclusion, urban and regional development, and economic growth.
Employment in the Danish sports sector is growing (Blue: FTE, Red: Number of employed people on average). Danmarks Statistik
In 2018 the Danish sports sector in its narrowest definition (operation and management of facilities, sports clubs and organisations, private sports operators/gyms) counted for more than 1% of the total Danish workforce (more than 25.000 job positions. Source: Danmarks Statistik).
The purpose of IdrætPlatformen is to promote skills development, cross-sector collaboration, and strategic development of the sports sector in Denmark in its broadest sense.
The association works to promote a stronger professional identity among people employed and involved in the often fragmented sports sector, as well as greater visibility for the growing variety of stakeholders in the sports sector.
The association works to support cross-sector collaboration, create more visible career paths for people seeking employment in the sports sector, and to develop relevant physical and virtual networks and forums for its members.
The association will operate a platform for non-formal skills development with a large variety of training and skills development activities and networking groups offered.
The association will facilitate the exchange of ideas and inspiration among the stakeholders in the sports sector and work to encourage and support the establishment of new kinds of co-working spaces and physical hubs for stakeholders in the sports sector.
The association will work to strengthen the political and commercial environment for its members and will promote this agenda by, among other things, collaborating with public and private organisations with common interests in growing and developing the sports sector in Denmark.
Chairman of the board:
Enver Hansen. Read more
+45 40334054
Founder and director of the secretariat:
Henrik H. Brandt. Read more
+45 29210972